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Category: Prayer

Psalm 91 Prayer

Lord God I thank you that he that dwells in the secret place of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, you are my refuge and my fortress, my God in you will I trust. Surely you will deliver me…

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Listening Prayer

Other forms of prayer are important but listening prayer has been neglected by the church for so long. Transformation takes place when we sit silently before God. What is most important is us take the posture before Him of simply sitting there and listening. Even if you have to wait…

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Apostolic Prayers

Praying the apostolic prayers from the scriptures over your own life. Written out in a way that you can speak them out over your own life. Ephesians 1:17-23                Lord I come before you in prayer and I pray that the God of my Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory,…

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12 Statements of the blood of Jesus.

I encourage you to confess these 12 statements regarding the blood of Jesus out loud everyday during your time of prayer and waiting on the Lord. An effective way of praying these statements, is to read and confess each statement out loud twice and then to read and confess out…

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