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Category: Podcast

Prophetic Dream 10th December 2023

I was standing in front of a crowd of people and I was preaching to them. The location was in the countryside with a lot of nature all around us. I had an interpreter next to me. I was preaching in English and this interpreter was translating into another language.…

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Being set free from trauma.

All of us have been through a lot of trauma on many fronts over the last three and a half years. Trauma related to attacks upon our health, sickness and health issues. Trauma in our relationship, trauma regarding our finances and being able to pay our basic bills and expenses.…

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Overcoming anxiety

Just wanted to share a golden nugget with you about overcoming anxiety and how anxiety is rooted in pride. Take a listen to the short video below. Love you all and Father God bless you.…

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My personal focus for 2020

Hi there friends in the body of Christ. I just wanted to share my heart with you about my personal focus for 2020. Please watch the attached video. Firstly, I share my heart with you about what I am personally focusing on this year. Secondly I talk a bit about…

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