What the Body of Christ needs to overcome as we move into a new season.


We are now in a time of transition before entering into a new season for the Body of Christ. There are certain things that we need to overcome as we prepare to move into the new season. God is busy pruning and refining the Body of Christ at this time. There are certain things that God allowed in the past season but won’t be allowed in the new season. Those that submit to the pruning and refining fire of God who are walking by faith and wanting to enter into the new season and not cling to the old, will be the Caleb’s and Joshua’s who will cross over into the new season. God is raising up as new emerging breed of leaders for the new season, that are being prepared right now to lead in the new season. They will do many things differently from the leadership of the past season.

Please watch this video that brings some insight into the things that God is dealing with in the Body of Christ right now, as we prepare to cross over into the new season.

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